AWS Training Institute with Certification

100% Job Guarantee ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Course Syllabus


Introduction to AWS


AWS Core Services


Compute Services (EC2, Lambda)


Storage Services (S3, EBS, Glacier)


Database Services (RDS, DynamoDB)


Networking and Content Delivery (VPC, CloudFront)


Security and Identity Management (IAM, KMS)


                Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive and widely adopted cloud platform offered by Amazon. It provides a vast array of services such as computing power, storage options, and networking capabilities, among many others. These services are designed to help businesses scale and grow by offering reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing solutions. AWS operates from data centers located around the world and supports a wide range of use cases, including web and mobile applications, data processing and warehousing, storage, archive, and more. The platform is known for its flexibility, scalability, and security, making it a popular choice for organizations of all sizes and industries.  

Why AWS ?

               Learning AWS (Amazon Web Services) can be highly beneficial due to its high demand in the job market, opening up a wide range of career opportunities such as Cloud Architect and DevOps Engineer. AWS provides a flexible and scalable platform suitable for businesses of all sizes, offering cost-efficient solutions with its pay-as-you-go model. Understanding AWS allows you to leverage the latest technologies and innovations, benefiting from its global network of data centers, robust security features, and compliance certifications. Additionally, AWS supports various technologies and integrations, enhancing versatility. Earning AWS certifications can validate your skills, enhancing your professional credibility. With a large community, extensive documentation, and numerous training resources, learning AWS equips you with valuable skills relevant to many current and emerging technologies, making you a more competitive and versatile professional in the tech industry.

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Online Classes


       Online classes offer the convenience of learning from anywhere, making them ideal for those with busy schedules or those who prefer to study at their own pace.

Live Sessions & Recordings

      You can attend live virtual sessions and interact with instructors in real-time, or access recorded lectures if you need to review the material.

Technical Requirements

       You’ll need a computer with internet access, a webcam, and relevant software (like JDK, a code editor, etc.) to fully participate in the online course.


       Online learners can collaborate through virtual group projects, discussion forums, personal mentorship will be followed to guide the student.

Offline Classes

Structured Learning

        In-person classes provide a more traditional, structured learning environment and makes them suitable for those who prefer face-to-face interaction.

Hands-On Guidance

        You’ll receive immediate hands-on guidance from instructors and can collaborate directly with peers on projects.

Access to Facilities

        Offline students have access to campus facilities, including labs, study areas, and additional resources like libraries and technical support.

Networking Opportunities

        In-person classes often provide richer networking opportunities through direct interaction with instructors and industry professionals during events.



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Join FIIT ACADEMY today and start your journey towards becoming a skilled software developer. Our comprehensive courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to excel in the tech industry.